Sunday, February 3, 2008

Weeks 4 and 5, welding and painting.

Sorry for skipping a week, but the kids are banned from welding and most of you seem to follow their comments more than mine.

I finished the welding last week. I'd like to say that I got better at it and will now be welding titanium bike frames from leftover SR-71 parts. I'd like to say that, but I can't. My welding skills did improve to the point that my welds look o.k. now that they are covered with seam sealer and undercoating.

I hope you like the picture. I am known as "the handsomest man in the family." That is right, with a wife and three daughters I am the only man in the family.

It was great to have the girls back helping me this weekend. On Friday night Elsa and I painted the new sheet metal with RustBullet protective paint. We also filled the seams on the rear valence repair. I love the smell of Bondo in the evening, smells like... project car. On Saturday we painted, seam sealed and undercoated. All three kids had RustBullet stuck to their fingers and I had it on my fingers and nose. I learned an important lesson, no matter how much your nose itches, do not scratch it with paint covered hands. Today we painted the trunk.

I am excited to be done with the welding. The next step will be to pull the front fenders so we can pound out and fill some dents.

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Elsa: Today (Feb.3), we spray painted the trunk. Yesterday we put on seam sealer. On Friday we put Bondo on. I liked spray painting because it was easy and not very messy. I liked working with the Bondo because it was just an interesting texture, especially when it had dried. Seam sealer was interesting, because it was like a can of semi-liquid putty.

Greta: We spray painted the trunk. We used black paint. We used a device that you squeeze to help you spray. We used paint thinner to get paint off our hands. Spray painting was fun but I did not like the smell.

Ingrid: I liked painting. I also held the light, which was very fun. We were working on it because there was rust. Brigita says: "Hello, I love you!"

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